Life and Times of Douglas The D is for Drama!

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Meet Collins

One of the perks of being a graduate is having to read and explore anything you want without it being about tests or exams. For the past three weeks, I’ve visited the bookshop about three or four times to get new books to read and If I must say, I’m having the best time of my life with them. I was at the bookshop on Wednesday when I met Collins,he’s a funny guy. He reminded me of a very funny...

Did you ask him?

In my previous post “don’t tell them” I talked about how many times we tell the wrong people our problems and that leads to bad advice.

The man named Tim Tebow

As usual, I wasted  my time watching a TV  show last week. This show is quite different though,(I think it premiered last year) the way it goes is that they get 2 celebrities to compete for who can lip-sync better, the celebrities get to pick any song of their choice and the winner goes home with a golden belt.
 On this episode I got to meet someone great and I would like to share with you.

Life and Times of Douglas The D is for Drama!

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