Life and Times of Douglas The D is for Drama!

CategoryThe Journey

Trying too hard

My NYSC call-up letter was released today; I was posted to Abuja. At this point, I think I’m basically trying too hard to be upset about it.  Do I want Lagos? Yes, Off-course.  Do I want to miss part of my January and February Salary? No! Am I going to miss working like a robot for three weeks(probably four because of the extra running around for registration after CAMP)? Yes!!!

2016 in review: God is too glorious!

To many, 2016 was a horrible or miserable year, but genuinely, I can’t relate to that. God basically carried me on his wings all through this year and we soared from Glory to Glory. If you’ve watched GOT S06, 2016 was basically the scene where Daenerys was on her dragon, flying far above the war and turmoil. Also, 2016 included some occasional breathe of fire down on all my enemies. I...

It’s been four months

Questionnaire: It’s been four months since you left social media. How do you survive? Don’t you miss all the fun things on Social Media? All those funny pictures and videos?
Questionnaire: So what do you do for  fun?
Douglas: I work.

Connecting the dots looking backward

Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards… -Steve Jobs Sometime in June, I begun writing this article that I planned to post in the future and reference that I wrote it in the past with faith. In retrospect, I think it was a bit braggadocios because in this article I would talk about how I had seen all the ‘dots’ of the...

You’ll be hungry from now on

This week has been a roller coaster of emotions for me for all the wrong reasons. I had let myself worry about a stupid ‘want’ while standing at the pinnacle of blessings, where God has placed me.

I wouldn’t know

It would be very challenging for me to surprise my Mum with a new Chanel bag. That’s because, I wouldn’t know an original Chanel bag from a fake, even with a microscope. My really good intentions may end up making her a laughing stock by buying her something fake.

Ride Along

Apart from the bible, the only time a lot of years is counted as “just”, “some” or “little” is when people are talking about squatting in someone else’s apartment. This phenomenon truly baffles me.

I love you friend

BUT, I love Jesus more.
You’re my biggest confidant; BUT, ‘you make’ me use all the wrong words and even profane words while I’m confiding in you.
You give the best advice; BUT, it’s usually entangled with some things that do not glorify My Jesus.

Life and Times of Douglas The D is for Drama!

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