Life and Times of Douglas The D is for Drama!

Selective Amnesia


I’m about to throw a tantrum,
This is definitely not like the kanye twitter tantrum.
In this case i actually have something to complain about.

I’m so angry!.
I’m so angry at myself.
I’m so angry because i’m too old for this nonsense.
I’m so angry because i spend so much time worrying about stuff that i know worrying can’t fix.
Its really annoying.
I’m actually so annoyed you know, because i know its so stupid to keep doing it, but yet i do it.
I make plans and i worry about how the plans won’t be fulfilled not like my worry is even fixing anything.
I just sit back and worry that A,B,C……Z is not done and how i’m screwed.
I’m annoyed because i have read Matthew 6:27:“Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?” too many times to keep acting like my worrying would fix anything.
Why? Why?
Why i’m I still playing with my health, faith and future by doubting God’s omnipotence?,
I know i’m not that old but in my little time on this earth i’ve had my fair share of experiences too.
From parting of countless red seas, turning water into wine, bringing water out of a rock and even manna from heaven i have my own version of them all.

So I guess the problem is me.
I guess its just me that chooses to have selective amnesia during times when i need to remember all the great works of the Lord.
I guess its just me playing into the hands of the devil and choosing to be depressed by things that can be fixed at the snap of God’s fingers.

I guess its just my foolishness to choose to be overwhelmed by all the happenings of life and take my focus of God.
I guess in my selective amnesia i choose to forget Ps 55:22 :”Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.”.

Well i’m done, I choose to drop my selective amnesia today,I choose to focus on God,  I choose to remember all of God’s promises and comfort myself in his word. I choose to not worry but cast my burdens on God and trust that he will see me through and I’ll rejoice at the end.

About the author

By Douglas
Life and Times of Douglas The D is for Drama!

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