Life and Times of Douglas The D is for Drama!

The humble ingrate


This is quite an important message a lot of christians that require anything from God should know about, because a lot of us have turned so ungrateful to God the doer of the miracles all because we want to show mere men that we are humble,a lot of testimonies have been short lived and even truncated because of this,it Goes like this “hey see what God did for me” and the person says “oh thats so great you are enjoying extremely oh” and then just because we don’t want to come of as proud we say “its nothing ,its not even a big deal , Its just that now” and that’s it ,the devil just put the fear of making us proud which culminates to us demeaning the great blessing God has done and in turn God takes back his blessing because we said its nothing.

If your reason for this action is because you don’t want to boast in your works then learn from Paul in 1 cor 1:31 (NLT). Therefore, as the Scriptures say, “If you want to boast, boast only about the LORD.”

Its time to Boast in the Lord,if someone makes a statement that should compel you to boast about Gods miracle no more “its really nothing” because we dont want to boast ,its time to reply “its only God that could have done this,isn’t he just magnificent, isn’t he just to wonderful call him all the sweet names and Let his name be glorified.

Because him Alone deserves all the Glory.and your testimonies will not run out as fast as they came in.

In Jesus Name Amen.

About the author

By Douglas
Life and Times of Douglas The D is for Drama!

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