Life and Times of Douglas The D is for Drama!

What Are You Seeing


Ever had a friend that wears glasses? You know those really thick big lens?, if you have a friend that wears one most likely you have tried putting it on at least once, remember how your perfect sight immediately turned really blur, probably smaller or even farther? And then you realized “oops this is not for me” , “time to take this off ” and you took it off immediately.

This may not be the case for everyone but I’m sure you can relate, your brain realized that “oh oh this isn’t good for me” , “this will deter my vision” , “this can’t help me “, now I’m not saying wearing glasses is bad, don’t get me wrong, especially for our wonderful brothers and sisters that need them to see properly but I want you to get a good idea of what a bad lens can do to your vision.

Because almost everyday we make the decision to wear bad lenses and choose to not remove them even after we have seen the horrible view it shows us,we choose to leave the God given perfect sight of our glorious destiny and plans to wear canal thoughts and canal perceptions of the world on our eyes and this causes us to stumble and fall at every point.

Our eyes are our personal source of light, and when we clog them with the personal insecurities and views of the world all we see is darkness, darkness to every wonderful possibility that there could be, great relationships that could be end up not being, because we wear the wrong lenses and focus on everything other than the right thing.

The good news is that I have something really special from the best optician in the universe and I present to you a perfect lens today. It even has a name, it’s called the word of God some also call it Jesus!.

You might have worn a bad lens for too long and it negatively affected your vision, another good news is that your vision can be corrected with Jesus, through this lens you are guaranteed to see the best possible picture of your life and the possible future,through this lens there are no insecurities or bad cases of “If this then what?” Take off whatever you have that isn’t Jesus and put on Jesus and see a brand new life.

About the author

By Douglas
Life and Times of Douglas The D is for Drama!

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