Life and Times of Douglas The D is for Drama!

The Peter Syndrome


“I am ready to go to prison with you, and even to die with you”.

What sweet and heart warming words. Whoever made this statement can’t do any wrong or should i say “isn’t expected” to do any wrong. This gets interesting a few hours later, when the same person that made that awesome claim above also said “I don’t even know the man!” and “Man? I don’t know what you are talking about”.

Ouch that must’ve hurt, one minute he’s acting like he’ll will do the world for Jesus and the next minute he denies him like he didn’t exist, I’ll like term it the peter syndrome.

Peter probably thought, deny Jesus? huh? why would I ever do that? I love him so much! I will never do that, its impossible. But at the end he still denied Jesus. Not just once, not just twice but THRICE! He felt so horrible after he had realized what we had done, but the fact is that he did it and in the end Jesus Forgave him. But these days, many of us find it so hard to do the same for folks when they do the unbelievable to us; like forget very important events in our lives, forget important conversations, hurt us so deep. Mostly because we think “they probably don’t care or care enough”,”someone that cares will never do this”, “this one must be a sociopath oh, in-spite of all my love this is what I get”. Jesus could’ve thought all that about Peter but instead he chose to forgive.

Well let’s start with the fact that they’re not sociopaths or demons, they actually care and love you, however some very unfortunate circumstance has caused them to treat you the way they did, and before you get too angry and say you can never be in their shoes and do what they did ,remember that our brother Peter never thought he could do it but he denied Jesus thrice (you never know what you can do until you do it), notwithstanding Jesus looked past it and forgave him, so you sure can! You can forgive them and you can get back to the way things were and this situation can even make the relationship better.

Don’t let one peter like act of betrayal stop you from having the best in life, Forgive and let go.

About the author

By Douglas
Life and Times of Douglas The D is for Drama!

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