Life and Times of Douglas The D is for Drama!

It lies in consistence


James is a sad and angry man,he isn’t angry because people in life did him wrong,no he knows in his heart that it’s no ones fault he is sad and angry,he is a freelance worker and he gets paid only by the projects he gets,his main reason for sadness and anger is because he has no money,he cant take care of his wife and children,and he cannot afford the things of life that makes a man happy and at ease,everyday he hopes and prays that only if i would get a BIG project then i’ll be okay,i’ll be fine,but then big projects came and he couldn’t handle them so he lost them.

James is incompetent to handle the projects that come his way because the only time he practices is when he is given a job to handle and yet he complains about how his current situation is based on lack of jobs.

And your advice for james would probably be stick to improving himself ,then he will be able to handle high priced jobs , he will have money and he wont be angry or sad anymore.

But take a little time to think about it,thats how we live our lives day in day out as christians we only read our bibles and pray when we have an urgent need from God,we only go to church and build our spiritual lives when its convenient and then we get sad and angry when things don’t work out.

Just like the advice you may have supposed for james,Get serious and CONSISTENT with God and DO NOT RELENT!. Funny enough getting serious with God may not be the problem its the consistence in fellowship with him in thick and thin that may be the problem, the word of God in,

1Co 15:58(NIV)    Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

You can always ask for grace and strength to remain consistent in your service from God and the holy spirit will lead and guide you to all the Joy and happiness in christ and the great power available to the redeemed man,In Jesus name ,Amen.

About the author

By Douglas
Life and Times of Douglas The D is for Drama!

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