Life and Times of Douglas The D is for Drama!

Meet Collins


One of the perks of being a graduate is having to read and explore anything you want without it being about tests or exams. For the past three weeks, I’ve visited the bookshop about three or four times to get new books to read and If I must say, I’m having the best time of my life with them. I was at the bookshop on Wednesday when I met Collins,he’s a funny guy. He reminded me of a very funny occurrence from last semester.

So this is what happened a few months back; I was tweet-watching as usual when I saw a tweet from a popular tech CEO asking for applications from anyone interested in being his assistant and the position promised managerial skills. Being CEO “X” assistant and also learning a few things on company management? Now that would be too awesome! I hurriedly sent an email, he replied swiftly. I got excited, I replied him and then he replied again, but this time my smile was turned upside down. Technically, I know I have some issues with punctuation generally, I see the issues in my chats and some of my blog posts that I don’t give Boro to edit, but hearing this from someone else in a very “un-sugarcoated” manner was just hysterically heart breaking. His reply read

Your punctuation is not encouraging. Email me tomorrow afternoon, let’s schedule a meeting.


Obviously I didn’t get that job but that reply stuck with me for a while, if we call ‘a while’ two months plus. Because fast forward to this Wednesday when I met Collins, the first thing that crossed my mind was how I swore to get books on punctuation and voraciously consume them after that email ordeal, sadly I got about three to four e-books but I never read them. Collins comforted me and in his exact words he said “I’ll teach you how to improve your punctuation” so I bought him and he’s already teaching me a lot. And if you think my punctuation in this article still sucks, please be patient I’m not done yet. Kindly give me about ten to fifteen more articles before you put a full-stop on my “punctuation trials”.

About the author

By Douglas
Life and Times of Douglas The D is for Drama!

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